Fun with the Sun

And I'm back, with the usual flowers, birds and things.

Bright orange flowers...

This is my neighbors tree and it's beautiful. It's an African Tulip tree.

  I truly need to snarf some seeds.

  I just now finally got around to cleaning up my files and found a few odds and ends of pictures I've taken over the last few month that didn't really go anywhere else.

Here's Mike using the truck for a bit of yard work.

Nope, don't know what this is either. I have several of these plants and suddenly they decided to flower. Small flowers but pretty colors.

I had to get this guy out into the sun to get a better look at it.

I get easily distracted.

Time to play! How about some Fun with the Sun?

I just can't quite grasp it!

Three big vultures sitting in a tree...

Showing me their wings..

Not the most exotic of birds but I think they like to pose for me.

Buttercup, baby!

Bright, bright dianthus...

Soft pink mums...

A little yellow bird...

Crested caracara...

The hawk is looking at me...

Fluffy seed pods against fluffy clouds...

And on to the next project: Dirt, dirt and more dirt!

Enjoy the Holidays!

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