A Plethora of Paint and Plentiful Precipitation

Time to get back to the blog, it's been awhile and I have bunches of stuff, odds and ends.

Let's start with....
I thought I had blogged this earlier. I'm old... Cain't remember. I know I posted it on the Facebook (as with most of the stuff you'll see here, but anyway...)
This is the table top to the old cement patio set we took part last time.

Oh yes! Another paint job. Mike hauled it up front and dug it in and I went to town on the paint. What a splash of color for the end of the driveway.

Next, I bought a wireless doorbell. This thing transmits all the way up the driveway from the gate and into the house. It plays music or your typical doorbell chimes. Mike insists that he isn't any good with wood but he cobbled together this little doorbell house for me in no time. (And I got to use up some more paint!)

And while he was rocking the wood-working I asked him to make me a shoe rack. Sure enough, that man has skills he wasn't aware of. 

It's been a strange winter, even for Florida. Here we are in late January flooded to the hilt. But the birds are plentiful. 

Two Ibis high up a tree. Watch for poo bombs!!!!

A red hibiscus plant that's all but dead and yet manages to spit out a flower for me every now and again.

The view of the neighbors "lake"!

A turtle making his way out of the pond.

Another neighbor's horses insist I come over and say hello.

An interesting (to me) close-up of the moon.

And another sign of a strange Florida winter is my owls, who generally don't show up until the middle of March. He (she?) sits in the hole and waits for his mate to show up.

So today Mike has proved to be quite industrious while I'm not paying any attention. He got with it early and built this bird feeder. Pretty nifty for a guy who is no good with wood, don't you think?

Uh oh! While no one was looking I managed to procure more paint. These colors are much more muted than what I'm used to but I think I have a use for them!

Mike's Bird Feeder painted and mounted.

He even made a lower circular stand for the birds.

 I put some seed in it already although it's still wet.

Speaking of which, it was just a matter of time before I managed to paint myself and my nice white shirt... crap!

Screw it! Go with it! So, I just painted it some more and hung it to dry. Can't wait to see how it looks after the first wash!

And meanwhile, the owl waits...

Comments are always welcome. See ya'll next time.