Re-Do This and Re-Do That

If it was once good it's sure to be good again.

 Pictures of Blue Jays.
 I've taken a million and they are still beautiful.

Rememer the Century Plant from a few months back? Here it is still standing but you can tell the plant is on its last legs, but it's not done yet.

See the original post here - Click Me!!!

After it flowered it put on these fat seed pods. Or what I thought were seed pods.
 I kept waiting for them to drop.

Well they dropped, kinda sorta.
The pods opened up and this baby plant is what fell.

But taking a closer look up top there's new flowers!
This thing is re-bloomimg!
And with a totally different flower!  

And just for fun I made some more minions from palm fronds.
You can tell the older one is on the left.
That's Kevin.

This is Bob.

And this last one is Stuart.

We found an old bedroom set with bookshelves at the Goodwill for cheap! It was in rough shape.
The bed is supposed to slide between the two bookshelves but that was too big for our use. 
So Mike chopped it down, sanded it, and re-stained it!

Now we have a new dresser/entertainment center for the bedroom!


A huge moth...

This is what's left of the whispering pine that we used for all the chainsaw projects. 
The candle flowers have taken over.

And lastly this Great Horned Owl was screeching for all he was worth way up in the trees. 
It took me a long while to spot him but I got him!

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